MacOs Sierra incompatibility with Canon

Just got an email from CPS regarding the incompatibility of Canon Cameras with MacOs Sierra. Here’s an exerpt:

“We would like to advise you that there is a system compatibility issue with MacOS 10.12 (Sierra) for Canon Cameras as well as some Canon applications.

Please refer to the url for detailed information:

Fuji, Sony, Nikon, Leica – Firmware Updates for Everyone | Fstoppers

Reblog from FStoppers for all non Canon camera users…

For one reason or another, this has been the week of all weeks for those anxiously awaiting firmware updates. While some are rather mild updates to fix various bugs (which is still important, granted), other updates like the one for Leica’s T camera boost things like autofocus speed twofold. Fresh updates! Come and get ’em!

Source: Fuji, Sony, Nikon, Leica – Firmware Updates for Everyone | Fstoppers